equine laser therapy
Equine High-Power Stealth Micro-Pulse Laser Therapy
Equine Laser Therapy offers effective multiple treatment applications and results for the equine athlete. A Therapy Laser provides a higher degree of treatment outcome in less time and effort than other devices on the market. Some of the direct benefits are here:
- Reduces recovery time from injury and illness
- Corrects muscle-related problems by directly treating them
- Enhances performance without medication and inherent side-effects
- Alleviates pain and soreness from strenuous training
- Reduces stress levels in the horse, both physical and psychological
- Improves concentration and enhances learning ability
- Improves respiratory, digestive, immune, and neural systems
- Increases venal and lymphatic circulation & Prevents additional injury
- Bowed Tendons
- Superior Check
- Bucked Shins
- Ligament Strain
- Capped Hocks
- Suspensory
- Exertional
- Disorders
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Tarsal Plantar
- Desmitis (Curb)
- Tendonitis
- Inferior Check
- Tenosynovitis
- Ligament
- Thoroughpin
- Desmitis
- Wound Healing
- Myositis
- Stringhalt
Joint Related Injuries
- Ringbone
- Sesamoiditis
- Splints
- Stifle Disorders
- Tarsitis
- Trochanteric Bursitis
- Arthritis
- Bone Spavin
- Carpitis
- Epiphysitis
- Fractures
- Osselets
- Ringbone
- Sesamoiditis
- Splints
- Stifle Disorders
- Tarsitis
- Trochanteric Bursitis
- Arthritis
- Bone Spavin
- Carpitis
- Epiphysitis
- Fractures
- Osselets