
Stealth Micro-Pulse™ Laser Technology

Diowave Class IVwhich is an innovative and powerful treatment that penetrates the injured or affected tissue, resulting in faster healing and natural pain relief and is effective for a wide range of ailments and injuries.

The Future of Pain Relief is Here!

Pioneer of Class IV High-Power Laser Therapy, Diowave Laser Systems is revolutionizing the field of laser therapy with the most advanced technology available in the industry: Stealth Micro-Pulse™ Technology.

Micro-Pulse Technology™ allows care providers to treat various pathologies by Micro-Pulsing at appropriate power levels without introducing heat and producing the best possible treatment outcomes.

Stealth Micro-Pulse™ Technology was born from the need for providers to keep Class IV High-Power Laser Therapy static over focal pathologies.

Continuous-Wave (CW) High-Power laser therapy generates a thermal effect. Penetration is lost due to vasodilation and the subsequent absorption of laser energy via increased amount of blood to the treated area which contains greater amounts of water and hemoglobin.

In contrast, Stealth Micro-Pulse Technology generates no heat, therefore providing more efficient penetration to deep-seated pathologies. Additionally, 100% of the treatment energy goes into the pathology and not the surrounding tissue- this is paramount in treating focal pathologies.

Dr. Joesph Costello, DC, DABCO
Dr. Joesph Costello, DC, DABCO

Chief of Laser Medicine
Diowave Laser- TMA LLC.

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